Assessments Start

Assessments Start

Personality and Career Assessments Package Terms and Conditions Opens in separate tab, just close Terms and Conditions tab to return to this page. Our unique combination of world-class personality and career assessments was specifically developed for high school...

Test Preparation Start

Test Preparation Package Terms and Conditions Opens in separate tab, just close Terms and Conditions tab to return to this page. This is a personal coaching program for students who wish to optimize their standardized test scores (SAT/ACT) beginning with a diagnostic...
Life After College Start

Life After College Start

Life After College – Professional Job Search Terms and Conditions Opens in separate tab, just close Terms and Conditions tab to return to this page. Resume building, social media, interview  preparation, and job search Pricing Information Single Payment is...
Senior Crush Advisory Start

Senior Crush Advisory Start

Senior Crush Advisory Package Terms and Conditions Opens in separate tab, just close Terms and Conditions tab to return to this page. Late Start on College Applications?  No Problem! For high school seniors feeling the pressure of college admissions applications and...
Summer College Essay Writing Workshop Start

Summer College Essay Writing Workshop Start

College Essay Writing Workshop Terms and Conditions Opens in separate tab, just close Terms and Conditions tab to return to this page. In this workshop, students learn how to create an effective college essay. Workshop Leader Mary Pat St. Jean and others from our...