The Pre-College Evaluation

Determine Exactly What Your Student Needs


The Pre-College Evaluation

Simply stated, we want our clients and prospective clients to know exactly what they need before spending thousands on college admissions counseling.  We accomplish that with our first-of-a-kind evaluation service. Three critical elements are considered:  student competitive position, student personality/career options and family financial position.  The art and science behind evaluating each element has been developed and refined over the past 35 years.

It is our firm conviction that every college bound family can benefit from a reasonably priced, value laden evaluation focused on what’s best for the college bound student.  Before you rush out to hire a college advisor, get in touch with us. We’ll help you identify precisely what you need and how to get the best available expertise.


Special Note on College Funding

Very, very few private college advisors mention the 800 pound college funding gorilla in your living room.  Even fewer have taken the time to become subject matter experts in college funding.  It’s shocking really, that as some private colleges and universities inch closer to the $100,000 per year mark, most college advisors will recommend those colleges without addressing affordability. If affordability does not need to be on your radar, you are fortunate. But most families benefit from a reality based college funding plan that provides their child an opportunity to attend a Top 100 -300 college or university for much less that sticker price.  Whatever your situation, we can help. Our college funding experts have years of experience and actually teach financial planners and accountants about how the college money wheel turns. This expertise provides disproportionate value not easily found elsewhere.

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