My Account

Welcome, [memb_contact fields=FirstName], to your account page. This page is personalized especially for you. On the right you will see your Strategies For College advisor information. Click their image to visit their home page.

Below you will find all our forms. Click the box to get access to each form.

Further down the page you will find a listing of all the Video Learning Center courses you’ve taken and your progress. If you’ve not yet enrolled for any courses, please use the link at the top of the page to visit the Video Learning Center and enjoy the information.

If your information changes or you’d like to update your profile, use the form on the right to update your records.



[et_pb_ld_profile course_order_by=”title” _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/et_pb_ld_profile]

Account Information


My Advisor

[memb_contact fields=%SFC_AGENT_FIRST_NAME%] [memb_contact fields=%SFC_AGENT_LAST_NAME%]

Schedule a Meeting

Change My Password

[memb_change_password buttontext=”Change My Password”]

Update My Information

You must be logged in to update your information.