Strategies For College Assessments Package


Our unique combination of world-class personality and career assessments was specifically developed for high school students as they approach all the big decisions related to college, and even beyond college. We appreciate that you’ve entrusted us with guiding your child’s college process.

Program Overview

The assessments are comprehensive and confidence-boosting. They are delivered and reviewed by an accredited career specialist using an individualized approach to help our clients discover their unique natural talents and passions.

Personal Fit Assessment Specialist

    • Reduce the stress of the college search process
    • Understand your individual learning style
    • Discover your natural strengths and talents
    • Gain confidence in your college direction
    • Identify best-fit career options and college majors

Although there are no guarantees, outcomes depend in part upon each of us fulfilling our respective responsibilities as follows:

Our Responsibilities

    • Be accessible to both you and your student in accordance with the scope and terms described in this agreement
    • Provide quality information and professional advice consistent with the services described in this agreement
    • Maintain your privacy

Your Responsibilities

    • Submit timely, accurate, and complete information as needed to support meetings
    • Maintain the confidentiality of copyrighted documents received (i.e., do not share information with any third parties)
    • Provide timely disclosure of disabilities, counseling, medical, or legal circumstances which may impact our advice
    • Advise us of any changes in address, phone numbers, email addresses, or applicable payment information

Meetings and Other Interactions

Meetings and other interactions are scheduled according to when you begin the program. This will allow ample time to complete assigned tasks. Unlimited email support is provided with this agreement.

Payment Terms

We accept all major credit cards, and electronic funds transfer through your checking or savings account.

Term of Agreement, Cancellation, and Refund Policy

This agreement may be canceled at any time, by either party with notice by email.  

Privacy Policy

We will always protect your right to privacy. By “you” or “your”, we mean your entire family and any information that is disclosed to us as part of this engagement.  We collect nonpublic personal information about you that is either provided to us by you or obtained by us with your authorization. We do not disclose any nonpublic personal information obtained through our engagement except as required or permitted by law. Permitted disclosures include, for instance, providing information to our employees and consultants who use this information to assist us in providing services to you. In all such situations, we stress the confidential nature of information being shared.  We retain physical and digital records relating to the professional services that have been provided and the fees you have paid.  We also maintain physical, electronic, and procedural security safeguards to protect these records. Records relating to the services provided are destroyed upon your request or three years after the completion of our engagement.